Infos Aglow International

Joy is Your Portion

Joy will come

The joy of the Lord is my strength. It's your strength. It's really the only strength we need. When His strength comes into us, it infuses us physically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally. It touches all the five senses. I mean, we have been invaded by Heaven, and that makes a difference. Back to my Scripture verse. It begins by saying, do not grieve. There are times when there are grievous things in our lives. Something that comes to us that is painful, or a difficult living situation. Don't grieve. You know what I hear in that? Don’t give your energies to that. Don't grieve because the joy of the Lord is your strength. He's saying, I’m coming to give you an injection of faith, of joy, of life, of strength, of vigor, of whatever it is you need. I'm coming to give you that. He gives us that by His very life within us. Don’t grieve. Step into joy. Lift up your heart. Lift up your head. Lift up your hands. Lift up your spirit and enter into the joy of the Lord. Because in that expression of joy you will find strength for your days. What a promise God has given to us in the midst of difficult times. Enter into the joy of the Lord. It is your portion.

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