Infos Aglow International

We Were Born for Such a Time as This!

Kingdom Legislation

Here is an excerpt from a recent blog from Jane Hansen Hoyt, The Halls of Kingdom Legislation

For those of you who have been in Aglow for any length of time, you have heard me speak or write many times, always repeating the prophetic words spoken over the ministry by key leaders in the body of Christ. Why are our prophetic words so important? For one, they tell us how God sees us every time He looks at us. He KNOWS who He birthed us to be in 1967. We have been discovering our identity for 57 years and I believe Aglow . . . We are moving outside the walls of our gathering places and into the halls of Kingdom legislation. Strong in prayer; mighty in decrees; Aglow groups around the world are equipped to stand on the walls of their nations speaking the words God gives them for the nations. I believe that as we/they speak, giants are falling! Atmospheres are changing! Heaven is coming to earth to replace the stale, empty, failing ways of man. Does Aglow have a future? You better believe it. I do! We were born for such a time as this. We have been trained for such a time as this.

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